
    Contact Us                                                                   
We welcome new members at three points in the year, in the new year, the summer and the autumn. If you are thinking you would like to join us please don't hesitate to get in touch to find out when the next intake is. We are a very friendly choir, and there is no audition required to join, but we may have to restrict numbers should the sections start getting out of balance. 

We tackle a range of music from pop to musical theatre to ballads to the occasional rap! We sing in sections- Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass with occasional splits to more parts when needed. We are a mixed ability choir and we do tackle a mix of difficulties in our music- we like a challenge! We have rehearsal tracks for all the sections, and we anticipate that members will use them in addition to the rehearsals to learn their parts. 

We don't expect singers to read music, but we do expect them to work hard to get to know the songs as well as they can before our concerts. 

Performances are three times a year- spring/ early summer, autumn and of course, our Christmas concert which is our favourite of the year! In between times we like to perform at local care homes and provide opportunities for residents to come and hear us sung. 

Get in touch if you're thinking of joining us! Information on the contacts page. 

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 ReSound Community Choir